Monday, August 04, 2008

Julia Allison

How do American white trash fuckin' bitches like Julia Allison get famous? Just by posting stupid crap on her blogs everyday and rubbing shoulders with famous people to make her LOOK like SHE's famous. Ha. Ha.

Pick up the new WIRED magazine and read all about her. The front page article says "GET INTERNET FAMOUS (Even If You're a Nobody)" - Julia Allison and The Secrets of Self-Promotion.

The sad thing is not so much her, but the sad sacks who eat this shit up and visit her sites all the time. She has quite a fan base, and what does she do? Absolutely nothing. She's famous for being famous, another Andy Warhol type schmoozer with a big greasy ego. But at least Andy Warhol did something, he was a pretty cool designer sometimes. Julia just exists.

If you're a follower of lame-ass lampshades like her, you need help. Start with getting outside once a day and get some sun instead of masturbating to pictures of Julia sitting in her posh NY apartment.

Fuck a star!!! Fuck a star!!! Fuck a star!!!

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