Vince Li stabbed Tim McLean 50 or 60 times and there were 37 other passengers on the bus. To stab someone 50 or 60 times and then behead them must take quite some time. And it just recently leaked that he was cutting a few pieces off of Tim for a little snack as well.
The 'eyewitnesses' as I've seen them described elsewhere did absolutely nothing. How much more did they plan to witness before they actually stopped witnessing and start intervening? Watch him play cards with the remains? Would any number have actually moved them to intervene?
I'm not calling myself Superman and I can honestly say I wouldn't know how I would react to a situation like this, maybe I'd run like a little girly too, but between 37 people, it seems like they could've come up with some kind of game plan and enough initiative to overpower this dumbfuck.
They should send this sick fuck to Iraq or Syria and let them deal with him. Under Canadian law, this guy will probably get 10 years, or go to the crazy house for awhile, since it was recently confirmed that he HAS had quite a history of mental illness and paranoid schizophrenia.
What WILL most likely happen is that you won't be able to take a Greyhound bus (or any other bus for that matter) without being frisked by security and getting all our stuff checked. One lousy shit goes nuts and everyone has to deal with the consequences. Canada and the U.S are supposed to be "free" countries. I'm not sure i know what that means anymore. Freedom is just a made up word, really.
This is off the topic, but I just heard a disturbing piece of news from my friend. Last month a US court ruled that border agents can search your laptop, or any other electronic device, when you're entering the country. They can do it to anyone, they can hold for as long as they want and they are not obliged to return it. What the fuck does that mean? I've heard that some people have not had their laptop returned after almost a year. Freedom. Ha.
Another other odd thing about Vince Li's case is that he's been charged with 2nd degree murder. Stabs a guy 50-60 times and decapitates him, cuts some pieces off to chew on. OK, what the fuck would you have to do to get 1st degree murder? Fuck the body, drag it around for a week, piss on it then kill 'em again? Geez. Me thinks there's a big problem with the Canadian legal system.
Hmmmmm. This is a curious case indeed.
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