Monday, August 04, 2008

The New Place

This is me in the new apartment. Now that we have some furniture and got our stuff shipped from Japan, it's starting to look like a real lived-in apartment.

The apartment itself is not too shit hot, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed. My wife and I have re-caulked the bathroom around the tub and sink. I don't think this place has been cleaned in about 100 years. There was a ton of shit that I vacuumed out of the heaters. It was truly disgusting.

And also, our landlord is a total crackerhead who I have to constantly bug to do minor repairs. He's a wasted of air. A typical Vancouver slumlord. Let's the building go to hell and keeps jacking up the rent, expects everyone to do their own repairs at their own expense. This building definitely violates several building codes. The doorknob on the side door is missing, so anyone could cut themselves on it. The side door doen't even have real glass, its just that cheap Plexiglass. A loud fart could break it. There is broken glass outside, there used to be a skylight on the top floor where we are, but there is just an empty hole covered with a fucking wooden pallet. That cannot be legal can it?

There's numerous other little things: shower knob is not screwed in, the drywall around the sink is all damp and needs to be repaired, doors won't shut properly. etc etc. All this for the low low price of 1,100 dollars!!! Yes, this is pretty much what you get now for 1,100 bucks. If you want a 1-bedroom where everything actually works and things are kept up, you're probably looking at more. It's ridiculously expensive now.

It's not all negative though. Getting used to the place and the people living here, who all seem to be very nice. And the location is very good. We're just 2 doors down from the famous NAAM, a very tasty vegetarian eatery that's always packed. There's also a good Indian restaurant just a block away, lots of grocery stores within 10 minutes walk.

There are some annoying things though. We're in the back of the building, so we get a lot of noise from the trucks coming to unload shit. Most of them are food trucks, delivering stuff to the NAAM. We also get the odd time where this guy in the building next to us gives us a sampling of his favorite classic rock tunes from about 4 in the afternoon, sometimes lasting 5 hours or more. At top volume. We were coming home from the Safeway on Broadway, once we hit around 6th, we could hear the music pumping out of his apartment.

Yesterday, we also had the privilege of some fine entertainment from some of the local homeless drunks. Just 4 guys and 1 woman sitting in a vacant parking lot just a few doors down getting completely shitfaced. Started out pretty harmless, drinking, laughing, having a good 'ol time. 3 or 4 hours later, they were all pretty erased, and I guess the woman had hit the dude's brother or something, so the dude freaked out and started hitting her, calling her a stupid bitch and just trailing off in to some drunken fuckjhhgffkdkikskfcokkgaaaaaaaa talk before 2 residents nearby told them to leave or theyd call the cops. Funny shit.

Vancouver. Doesn't matter where you live, there's always entertainment.

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