Well, I quit smoking 5 weeks ago and I feel fucking great! It's really nice to be rid of that filthy habit. And you know what? I don't even miss it. I still have the odd craving, but it quickly passes.
Anyway, I know that many people consider reformed smokers can be the worst when it comes to preaching about the evils of tobacco. But guess what, I really don't give a shit. I think every smoker wants to quit in the back of his mind, but can't, because of the fear, brainwashing and the illusion that this little crutch called the cigarette is giving the person some sort of pleasure or relieving your stress. Ask yourself why you smoke and what is it doing for you? Shit! That's what it's doing for you. So fucking quit!
If you want help, read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, it helped me. I quit over 6 years ago and stopped for 2 years, the started again. Why? Stupidity I guess. Anyway, if you read this book and have a good attitude about quitting, you can do it. It's not difficult. So read the goddamn book and stop paying 10 bucks a day to systematically kill yourself.
If only the government would ban tobacco and legalize weed (the "killer" drug), that'd be a start. Thousands of people die every year from tobacco related deaths. How many people die from pot use? Very few. Look at the facts. If the government legalized it, it would solve many environmental problems, it would free up prisons for more suitable criminals and the government would make a shit-load in taxes. To boot, it's also been proven to have several medical uses as well. If you want to read more about the subject, pick up Eric Schlosser's book "Reefer Madness". I'm not defending its' use because I smoke it, I actually don't like it because personally, it makes me paranoid and jumpy. I'm defending it because it's ridiculous to ban a drug which has so many positive uses, then on the other hand, make tobacco, a drug which is killing off thousands every year, legal. Some people have been handed life sentences for possession. It's pretty fucked up when someone in possession gets a harsher sentence than a convicted murderer. Who's the criminal?
Anyway, if you're a smoker or a toker, read the books I mentioned above. Cheers...
How are the smoking urges when you drink? Lots of reformed smokers tell me that's one of the hardest parts.
No problem. I played a gig last night and at the after party, EVERYONE was smoking (and drinking). And I got properly wasted. But I didn't think about having a cigarette all night. In fact, I was disgusted by it. After you quit smoking, you really notice how bad tobacco smoke really smells...
Cool. Good to hear it.
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