Well, I was lucky enough to find and win Attik Noise 3.5 off ebay a few days ago. Still awaiting the delivery, but very much looking forward to getting it. The last time I saw it was about 7 years ago, my old art director had it (along with all the other Noise books) and at the time I couldn't believe that human beings made this shit, it looked like robots made it or something. Those books are all fucking awesome. Now I'm looking for Noise 3 and Noise 1 (if it exists) so if anyone has a copy they are willing part with, please contact me...
UPDATE and CORRECTION: I just saw the newly designed Attik website today (March 21), and there is a gallery of each volume of the Noise Series and Noise 1 is there. It's the first time I've ever seen it. But strangely, Noise 2 is not there. I know that one exists because I have it. Hmmmmm. Weird.
Also, I got Noise 3.5 a few days ago and it rocks. And my old creative director, Olaf Strassner, is GIVING me Noise 3 this summer as a present. I still have a hard time believing he's serious, but it looks like he is. It's not in perfect condition, the spine is broken, but hey, I'll take it any condition. Lately, I've looked at many design books, and everything else just seems to pale in comparison with those old Noise books. Now, I just have to find number 1. Number 5 is in the works.
Who are YOU, Answer-Man? Do you have a cape?
so your a big fan of the noise books also, 3.5 is amazing, my favorite, i have them all but 3.5 and one. check ebay and sometimes they crop up, i bought 3 off ebay, but its falling apart now as well.
yeah, 3.5 is supposed to be the rarest of them all. I bought it off one of the actual designers that worked on the book that worked at Attik in UK. My copy is in very good condition except for the plastic envelope it came in, it's all fallen to hell. I have 2 copies of Noise 3, one the pages are all falling out, bu my other copy is fully intact, I rarely open that one for that reason. The binding sucked in that one. I can't understand why they spent so much money on all these cool inks and finishes but skimped on the binding. Pretty much everyone has had the same problem with their copy, pages coming out from the binding.
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