Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Harlan County USA

Eastovers refusal to sign a contract (when the miners joined with the United Mine Workers of America) led to the strike, which lasted more than a year and included violent battles between gun-toting company thugs/scabs and the picketing miners and their supportive women-folk. Director Barbara Kopple puts the strike into perspective by giving us some background on the historical plight of the miners and some history of the UMWA.

Just to give you an example of the harsh realities these people faced on a daily basis during the strike. A man crouches and pokes at what first appears to be a wad of chewed-up pink bubble gum on the ground. "That's what a scab will do to ya, by God," he says. That pink wad is brain tissue from a striker shot in the head by a strikebreaker.

The film goes a step further and gives the viewer a hard look at the living conditions, health issues, and extreme poverty faced by Harlan's residents, as well as the daily reality of the human toll that goes along with the mining industry.
The bitter confrontations between Eastover's slimy security fucks and the unionizers are particularly tense, with the threat of violence ready to explode at any moment.

Anyway, don't ever become a coal miner, it doesn't look like an appealing career choice after seeing this film.
Oh yeah, I have to mention the music. It's amazing. Just people singing real, genuine heartfelt cola miners songs, it's beautiful stuff.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Miles Davis: Live at the Cellar Door

Keith Jerret is at this best here, you can really hear him stretch on this set. Too bad he never went more in the fusion direction. Jack DeJohnette and Michael Henderson provide the bones in bad ass fashion, Michael Henderson's bass sounds a lot better than on Live Evil. The mix is great, this is definitely one of the best sounding live recordings I've ever heard.
Chick Corea cooks with some of his best fusion playing ever hinting at what was to come later with Return to Forever. Miles brought the best out in Corea. Even Airto, while sometimes in the background, comes up with some interesting shakes and squeaks accenting the music very well, never attracting too much attention. Gary Bartz snaks in and out of the music with some great solos.
John McLaughlin is not on the whole box, he just popped in on the last night so two of the Saturday night sets are presented on this set. The material is pretty much the same, but McLaughlin adds a darker edge to the overall sound.
I'd say the stand-out discs are 2, 3 and 6. Anyway, if you're a Miles freak, of course you must own this. It's one of the best representations that successfully bridges jazz, rock and fusion. To all you idiots that says Miles was "done" and/or "sold out" when he turned electric, you should listen to this. Those of you who want to play it safe, go for Birth of the Cool or Kind of Blue. This is Miles at this peak.
Saturday, August 19, 2006

For the next week after we got our beloved Atari, my brother and I barely left our room except to eat or get a soda from downstairs. We were glued to the set, always trying to top our last score. I especially liked YAR'S REVENGE. A week or so later, we went to Maine, and picked up a few more games, I think BERZERK, Q-BERT and DONKEY KONG. So we played the shit out of those games.

Another site of interest is the ATARI MUSEUM, which has lotsa info about all the different consoles, pics, and links for all you ATARI enthusiasts out there.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

OK, Tsuyoshi, what the fuck is "cool" about lightning? What if your ass got blasted with a bolt of lightning, would that be "cool"? I don't think so. There ain't nothing cool about lightning.
Anyway, I'm just razzing you Tsuyoshi, I don't really care that much about the shirt, it's just another example of the retarded and meaningless English slogans you see in Japan. I don't know why this one strikes me as so damn funny, but it does.

Back from OBON Holidays

It was too fuckin' hot to do anything else really. This summer in Kansai is record breaking, hasn't been this damn hot since 1960 or so. It's been a hot year everywhere I think. At least I don't have that damn heat rash this summer. Anyway, we all just ate, slept, drank, etc etc., showed wedding photos to various relatives, which got pretty tiresome after awhile , considering we had about 3,000 pictures between her parents and us. That's not even including the actual wedding photos, which we're still waiting to get back. Arrrggghhh!!!

But at the same time, I usually do enjoy it in some weird sort of way. Christ, I must be getting more used to this culture than I think.

Friday, August 11, 2006
Shit Summer

The 1st year I was here, I got heat rash so bad in my sac area that I could hardly walk without discomfort. It was not pretty. The smell was none too neat either if you know what I mean.
I really truly hate summer. The heat, the extreme humidity, the dust, the shitty mood everyone's in, the stench of stinky rotten bodies on the subway, the smell of rotten fruit, having to shower 3 times a day, crotch rot, I hate it all.
About the only thing good about living here in the summer is cracking open a nice ice cold beer (which only stays ice cold for about 5 minutes) and the sound of the various species of cicada, called "semi" in Japanese.
The ones we got here in Osaka are the loud fuckers though and I don't like them too much. Their my least favorite. They start their mating ritual about 5 in the morning and all you can hear from 5 until about noon is the pure cacophony of their mating call. Just one of these little bugs makes a noise loud enough to make you damn near deaf if you were to put it right up to your ear. Now imagine thousands of these things making the same noise, it's louder than being at the runway of an airport.
But I like the sounds of the cicadas in the local areas in the countryside. I can't really say which kind they are, there are so many different ones. Go to THIS PAGE to hear mp3 samples of the different species, this is a pretty comprehensive and interesting page that has all the different cicada's that I've heard in Japan. Also has a few of the ones you hear in Korea.

Why was this movie made? To make us weep even more for the victims of September 11th? Boo Hoo. September 11th was nothing. Look at past wars, tragedies, the Holocaust, The Rape of Nanking, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, what's going on now with the Israeli conflict, etc etc etc. The U.S. really wants us to remember this terrible tragedy, to imprint it in our minds. Watch it in the theatres, buy it when it comes out on DVD. Cry at home in front of your TV sets like the lambs that you are.
The U.S. was asking for it when they got attacked, and they're still asking for it, more like BEGGING for it and it's all due to Mr. Bush's actions in his term as president. No, I don't think those people deserved to die. Of course not. They WERE victims. Not so much of a terrorist attack but victims of the presidents' stupidity and ignorance. Just like all the people who died in Iraq who have been used for Bush's cause.
This movie is meaningless trash and anybody who feels sympathetic at the false pretentiousness displayed in this movie should go back and study some fucking history. I've heard enough about September 11th. Let it rest for Chrissakes.
The REAL modern tragedy here is that Bush is still President and YOU, my not-so-fellow Americans, voted him in! THE JOKE'S ON YOU!!!
Push the button!!!......... Go on, I know you want to..........
PUSH IT!!!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Some more dumb cat desktops

Whenever I see that cat, it makes me laugh. He's lost a bit of weight since last time, but he's still fat! I pet him once and he was all over me, meowing like a motherfucker, rolling around. He'll walk about 1 foot, then fall down cause he's too lazy to walk, then roll around some more. I have take a video next time.
I should start making greeting cards of this shit.
Portrait of a madman

Well, it's good to know I have ONE fan in this world anyway. Thanks Takumi!!!
Saturday, August 05, 2006

PLOT SUMMARY (from When Allan becomes a quadriplegic he loses all hope for living until he meets Ella - a monkey trained to fetch and carry for him around the house, obeying him in all things. But Ella is part of another experiment, and when she starts responding to Allan's underlying rage and frustration she has the ability to carry our her master's darkest wishes.

Anyway, I think this is great film and it deserves more attention. I actually like it more than his zombie flicks. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of zombie films except for Re-Animator and Brain Dead which I'm going to be writing about soon on this blog. I'm into more of psychological horror films.
This movie is really tense and the death scenes are great, I couldn't wait for some of the characters to get what's coming to them. The sadistic, lazy nurse, the jealous mother, the cheating ex-girlfriend, and the vindictive doctor. One reviewer on imdb said this: " Take Kathy Bates from Misery and make her every character."

I think the film succeeds in giving the audience a few genuine scares and has a general overall creepiness and atmosphere of despair to it. The only pisser is that some of the characters that clearly deserve to die don't, especially the nurse and Stephen Root. Other than that, I got no complaints.
Shine on you crazy monkey...
Friday, August 04, 2006

What "word verification" does is prevent automated systems from adding comments to the blog, since it takes a human being to read the word and pass this step. If you've ever received a comment that looked like an advertisement or a random link to an unrelated site, then you've encountered comment spam. A lot of this is done automatically by software which can't pass the word verification, so enabling this option is a good way to prevent many such unwanted comments.
Anyway, I know it's a pain in the ass to take 5 seconds out of your life to type an extra word, but I'm sorry, it has to be done.
So eat shit you worthless pricks!!!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
CD's that should be in print

POWERTOOLS - Strange Meeting
PAINKILLER - Rituals: Live in Japan
ALICE COOPER - Easy Action
NEIL YOUNG - Time Fades Away
FUSHITSUSHA - A Death Never to be Complete
FUSHITSUSHA - The Time is Nigh
FUSHITSUSHA - A Little Longer Thus
FUSHITSUSHA - The Wisdom Prepared
SABBAT - History of a time to come
SABBAT - Dreamweaver
DIAMANDA GALAS - Metalanguage
MORTON FELDMAN - For Philip Guston (Hat Art version)
MORTON FELDMAN - For Christian Wolff (Hat Art version)
everything BOREDOMS-related that's OOP
(the list is too long to sort out!)
CAROLINER - I hope everything gets a CD re-issue at some point
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