Thursday, February 16, 2006

You assed for it

Well, well, well, here's another one I discovered today. This time it's a strawberry and mocha flavoured chocololate snack called "ASSE". Pretty appealing name me thinks. It's a lot better than "Snickers" or "Aero" in my humble opinion. Jesus, just WHOOOOO comes up with this shit? I'm trying to picture these suit and tie guys in a fucking boardroom brainstorming ideas about what to call their new strawberry mocha chocolate snack. All of a sudden, the new guy wanting to make a good impression on his boss lays it out on the table. "How about ASSE?" The rest of them scratch their heads for a minute, then finally reach a decision. "ASSE it IS!!!" and a few weeks later SHAZAM!!!!! The consumers can't get enough ASSE. I was thinking maybe it's french or something for ASS in English, but I don't think it is. What is ASS in French? I should know since I come from a bilingual province, but I don't. Anyway, go out and grab some ASSE, and EAT IT UP!!!


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hey Mitch,

    I just wanted to say hey and hope all is well with you. My next trip to Indonesia I would love to get over your way and see what's up. maybe...


  2. Hey, ASSE is good eatin'.

    Just make sure you wash it first.
