Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Kewpie Village

My Kewpie collection started out with no real intention of getting this ridiculous. How it all started was that I originally bought my wife a little green Kewpie to put in her Christmas stocking. A few months later, I was fucking wasted one night, complaining to my wife that she never shows me any affection, so I put the green kewpie on my pillow to sleep with me. From then, I just started to kind of like this little green kewpie, so I went out and bought a bunch more (they're only 50 yen each) and put them beside my bed every night. At this point, my wife thought I had fuckin' lost a few marbles. Then, right after Christmas, we were shopping at ABC Mart in Tennoji, it's a fuckin' crafts store. They sell all this minature shit, so that day I bought the minature bar kit and the house. The other stuff, like the bird cages, I picked up at the 100 yen shops. I picked up the big red kewpie at the Official kewpie club in Tempozam. The latest additions are the little one with orange suit which my student Tomiko bought me for Valentine's Day, and the one with full clothing, which I bought last weekend at a Flea Market for 200 yen. Anyway, everyone is questioning my sanity recently. A 32-year old grown man collecting dolls? Ah fuck, if it makes ya happy, why not? I never want to grow up anyway. Who knows how far the collection will go. I think I may add a few more things to it, then move on to something else...

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