Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Attik Noise Books

I recently found a used copy of Attik's Noise Volume 2 in a bookstore here in Osaka. I immediately snapped it up, even though it was about 10,000 yen (a hundred bucks) and the cover almost falling off. I'd say it's in fair to good condition. I was pretty happy to find it, regardless of the condition. The Noise books are considered by many designers to be "THE BIBLE" of design. For those of you who don't know Attik and their work, you should do yourself a favor and check it out sometime. Their site (www.attik.com) is actually under construction at the moment but you can go to Adobe's web gallery at http://www.asia.adobe.com/web/gallery/attik/image1.html and check out a small sampling of their work. Even though I hate Nike and all they stand for, The Nike In-store display Attik did is simply fucking wicked. I would love to see the detail up close.

These books are getting harder and harder to find and I don't even know whether "Noise 1" actually exists or not. I don't know of anyone who has it ot has owned it in the past, nor have I seen anything about it on the web. I DO know one person who has 3 and 3.5 but he wants 1,000 bucks for both of them. If I had 1,000 bucks I'd buy them in a minute. Noise 4 is the easiest to find and it's still in print to my knowledge. But it was a bit disappointing, actually. I have it, and it's great, but it doesn't even come close to Noise 2, 3 and 3.5. In my opinion, those books are among the greatest design books ever.

Anyway, it's been 5 years since Noise 4, I wonder if Noise 5 will ever come out.

Anyone who is willing to part with either 3 or 3.5, please contact me or leave a comment on this post.

By the way, the image above is from Noise 3, not Noise 2, the one I just bought. I couldn't find any images from Noise 2 on the web.

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