Saturday, February 11, 2006

Can't you read, DOG!!!???

Can dogs read? Or wait. Maybe this sign was directed towards humans. But hey, that's clearly a DOG depicted in the sign. Thought it was a little strange seeing this sign posted in front of someone's house in Tokyo. The sign is in English, not Japanese. I guess the person living there either had a problem with dogs OR English people pissing in his yard. Anyway, this one's a definite head-scratcher...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey Mitch,

    it's Jean-Yves, we met in the shotengai near Kanzakigawa. Cool site. Just looked at it quickly, as I need to go to bed soon.

    Didn't you know Japanese dogs can read English? It's the reason why many Japanese feel so unconfident with their levels, as their dogs are better at it than they.

    Anyways, have a good one and see you at the Hash perhaps one of these days.
