No, I am not gay, nor was I even interested in going to this thing. My wife really wanted to see it. But I'm glad I went now, it was pretty fun and this year was the biggest one ever. We were there for 3 hours and it still wasn't finished. We finally left because I had to take a piss so bad I couldn't hold it anymore.
You could see pretty much anything this year: sailors, freaks, people painted in rainbow colors, animals dressed up, drag queens, the whole lot. There was even full frontal nudity, tits, cocks, you name it. I really didn't think it was necessary for these fat balding men to parade naked with their ballsacs hanging down, kind of disgusting really. One guy didn't really even have a dick, it was more like a set of balls with an almond stuck on, it was so small. What does parading naked have to do with gay pride?
I can't believe how much time, money and effort went into making this happen. It was quite amazing. This is by far the biggest damn parade I've ever been to. But just way too long. I was exhausted by the end of it. We were planning on attending the Powell Street Festival afterwards but we were just too beat.
If you visit Vancouver Pride Society's Facebook page, there's tons more pictures.

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