To me, this is one more step Steve Jobs is taking to sell more of his stupid i-Pods and for people to start embracing mp3 technology more. Well, I ain't going for it. You rat fink bastards can HAVE your stinking i-Pods! Fuck mp3's!!!! I'd rather lug my entire CD collection around on the bus or plane (cases and artwork included) than buy one of those monstrosities. i-Pods are one of the reasons musicians don't make money anymore. We're entering the download age and let me tell ya, I DON'T LIKE IT!!! If I sound old and not "down with the scene" well FUCK YA! Every time I see an i-Pod ai wanna smash it on the ground. My fucking wife even wants to buy one and I keep telling her NO!
Yes, I download like everyone else, but if I like what I hear I go out and buy it, especially if it's an independent artist. YES, I BUY THE CD! You know why? I'm an artist, and a total music geek collector and movie collector. I like to look at the liner notes, appreciate the cover art (not a fucking jpg of the cover art), smell the nice printing job, I like to get the whole experience. i-Pods and mp3's are slowly DESTROYING that experience. I shudder to think about when I have kids, are they gonna be reading novels and magazines on a screen? Are they gonna be just downloading shit and not browsing through record stores? Are record stores even gonna exist in 10 years?
Anyway, NO, I will never get rid of my books, records, CD's or DVD's and burn my CD collection to mp3 format. NEVER! Even if CD players become obsolete, I'll have to go to the antique shop and pick one up in 40 years I guess.
Call me old fashioned, I couldn't give a cold dead monkey's spunk. i-Pod's and mp3's are evil. EVIL. Crap on you for owning one. MacBook Air? Phooey! Double Phooey...
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