I have tons of other ideas for mock ad campaigns on the back burner, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Nike, KFC, GAP, United Colors of Benetton, KODAK, Wendy's, and much more but haven't taken the time to execute them yet, some of them involve quite elaborate and expensive photo shoots.
Oh YES kiddies, I have plans, very special plans for this silly little world. No corporation will be safe! Boo Ha Ha Ha... no seriously, if things are taken too far, I may get sued or a term in jail, so I'd better restrain a little bit at least.
I didn't specifically target McDonalds, I just think the I'm Lovin' It campaign has gotten worn out, it's time for something new like "I'm Bulbous!!!" or "Barf it Up!!!"
I shamefully admit that I DO eat at McDonald's once in a while, and I feel guilty as hell about it. There's something about those Big Mac's and the crappy feeling they give me like I just ate a giant jar of lard...
Nice mock designs and nice new pictures down the side of the page. Finally something not so venomous and hateful. Nice nostalgia in the high school pics. That's what this country is all about; nostalgia, and sex with eels and mollusks. As if the two could the two ever be separated.