Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blast from the past

Fuck. These are funny. Someone posted these on Facebook and I can't believe they are the same person. These were all taken in design college, probably 1992-93 I guess. College. What a fun time. Getting sloshed every weekend in PEI, going to Myron's pub, then after hanging out out at Subway, too drunk to finish our subs. This doesn't seem that long ago but I guess it was. I can't believe how fucking skinny I was. Now I have a bulbous ass. Really bulbous and gettin' bulbouser by the minute. I know that's not grammatically correct, but hey, I don't see no grammar police, so I'll say it like that. Ha.

Nothing much has changed since then, except I don't drink anymore, I'm married and I never go out, but I'm still a geek collector, then it was comics, now it's CD's, DVD's and design books. It was funny to look at some of my design shit when I was home last winter. I did this poster titled BEGINNINGS, which was supposed to be a poster introducing the first year student's artwork and I think my poster was the worst. I should've scanned it or taken a photo of it to post here. It was a drawing I did of this hellspawn creature coming outta hell, looked like a demo cover for a really bad black metal band, complete with hand-done type which looked like dripping blood or something melting. Everyone in my class thought I was completely insane.

It's amazing to look back at that time and then look at my shit now and see how far I've progressed. It's also funny that I don't have 1 goddamn piece of corporate work in 10 years of working in the design world that I'm happy with. It's all shit, done for corporate suit-and-tie clients with very narrow and self-sastifying objectives. That's advertising!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I like the one where you look like you've been huffing glue. Oh wait they all look like that.

