Golden Week, as usual, was nothing particularly special, just the usual drinking, eating, sleeping crap. I had lots of fun playing with my wife's sister's kid, who's 3 now. One day we drove around the mountains on these fucking super narrow roads for about 5 hours, not exactly my idea of fun. I like driving around, but the roads in Okayama are so twisty that one can get carsick pretty easily, plus I'm not big on high places with narrow roads and no guardrail. I don't know what they were thinking when they built those roads. Some of the roads are so narrow, you wouldn't be able to get some European or American cars through. Japanese cars are more built smaller to compensate for these shitty roads.
Anyway, Goldwn Week. What's the point really? It should be called GODDAMN HECTIC WEEK, or STUPID WEEK, because the whole concept of everyone taking the same holiday is absurd, really. Travelling is a big fat pain in the ass because it's crowded and stressful, all the tourist attractions are crowded, so you can't really enjoy yourself at all. We went to Arima Onsen, bt we didn't actually go in to any bath houses because they were too crowded and people were lined up to get in. To boot, GOLDEN WEEK is too damn short, so when it's over you just feel disappointed, like after a long weekend, and tired. Piss on Golden Week and Japan's shit system!!!
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