Maybe some of you know this beer, probably most of you don't. I was at an international food festival yesterday in Sakai prefecture when I saw this beer from Thailand, so I got a chuckle out of the name which is, of course, similar to the popular English expression "FUCK IT". The label depicts a parrot. I don't know if there's a TV ad, but I just picture an ad spot of that parrot just repeating "Phuket, Phuket, Phuket"...
Anyway, the beer itself is really quite tasty, so next time you're in an international liquor store, pick up a bottle or two, hell, even a case, and say "PHUKET!!!" really loud in the store to show your respect to Thailand. Check out their website at
Phuket hard!
nice one! but actually it's 'poo-ket' in thai...
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