Monday, September 04, 2006

The latest Japanese English

Here's a few strange little items I found at Fanbi Town here in Osaka while shopping with my wife the other day. This just further confirms the weirdness of the Japanese.

OK, first we got a new product called "CUBIC FLOG" which is some kind of candle holder or something. Anyway, doesn't matter, it's spelled wrong you tits! FROG is spelled F-R-O-G. If you're going to do a branding job, check the spelling before you name your product. I had a good laugh over that one.

The next 2 are T-shirts. I took the photos with a cellphone, so I couldn't blow them up any bigger. If you can't read them, one has a 70's style illustration of a girl being held by her boyfriend from behind, the caption says "At least I'm not pregnant". What the fuck are the implications of that?

The other shirt is a cartoon-style drawing in the "Bewitched" style with a woman holding up a cake with a caption saying "Dangerous Delight" and then "No Remorse" at the bottom. Lemmy from Motorhead might sue if he sees this one.

You really gotta hand it the Japanese, they try so hard to make the world a big ball of super happy fun joy...

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