It is true, this is not an easy book to follow. And it's an enormous book, at almost 800 pages with small text. Although this is the first book I've read by Pynchon, I wouldn't recommend starting with this one. Start with "V" first. It's more accessible with less references and not so many random characters as Gravity's Rainbow. I'm about two thirds finished that book as I write this.
Next thing. Forget trying to understand everything the first time you read. Don't worry if you can't follow the many side paths the story takes or keep track of every minor character that pops up. Just revel in Pynchon's brilliant prose the first time around and his inimitable style. There are so many fucked up scenes that defy description in this book and that alone makes it worth reading once at least. His imagination is impossible to describe. Just follow what you can the first time through, which fortunately is a lot.
When you boil it all down the plot is quite simple. Will Slothrop find the mysterious Rocket 00000. Pynchon's jokes are hilarious all throughout the book, some that will leave you almost pissing, or crying, depending on your mood, I guess.
If you want to read a pretty good overview of GRAVITY then go HERE, this is about as concise a description as I could find of roughly what the book is about.
There's also a companion to the novel that will help you with all the various historical references written by Steven C. Weisenburger. See more info here. Next time I read this novel, I think I'm going to obtain this book and read it through first, or have it handy while I'm reading the book.
I'm very much looking forward to checking his other books out like MASON AND DIXON and THE CRYING LOT OF 49. He has a new book coming out in November actually, his first book in quite awhile title AGAINST THE DAY.
Here's a few other useful links:
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