Hats off to organisations like Adbusters who give a shit about what's happening to our world, trying to make people aware of over-consumption and the effect it is having on our natural resources and general well-being. It's very unfortunate that Japan, Canada and many other countries are becoming like the USA, run by huge corporations and WE ARE LETTING IT HAPPEN! They try to dictate our way of living and thinking and they are very much succeeding. If just a few million people started making conscious choices by not supporting corporations so much, things would radcially change and the ppower would eventually fall back into OUR hands, not the corporation.
With your efforts, we can gain equal access to the airwaves.
The following text is taken from the Adbusters website. Please read it, follow the link and take the measly 2 minutes to sign the petition:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
— Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19
For years, the Adbusters Media Foundation struggled to buy television airtime for its no-holds-barred series of anti-consumption, pro-restraint campaign spots. When the network reps were feeling generous, they would impatiently explain that they don’t run any advocacy ads (not true), or that our spots are inimical to their business model (unbridled consumption). More often than not, they would decline to give us any reason whatsoever (the big business equivalent of “because I said so”). And the rejections kept rolling in.
Finally, in 2004, we decided that we’d had enough – enough of media conglomerates arbitrarily deciding what ideas can be broadcast over the public airwaves, enough of unfettered commercial access to those same airwaves, and enough of the government’s inaction allowing it all to continue. We hired an expert lawyer and filed a lawsuit against a few of Canada’s biggest media barons.
Things did not initially go as planned. (Read the rest of the article HERE
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