Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Indiana Jones 4: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The new Indy Jones was quite the ride. Harrison Ford still has it in him, the 'ol fucker. I don't know if it was intentional, Lucas & Spielberg throwing in all the "old man" jokes throughout the film, but I assume it was. Karen Allen is back playing Marion from the first film. Shia LaBeouf plays Indy's son in this movie. Son? Oops, I just spoiled that for you.

The only thing that I didn't like about the film were some of the "cute" C.G. moments like the groundhogs and the monkey scene. I'm sure these scenes were the brainchild of Mr. George "fuckhead" Lucas, who we all now know lost his mine long ago.

Then there's the story itself. Great adventure and breathtaking scenes, as expected in an Indy flick, but the end just went all fuckey ducked, just took me by complete surprise, not knowing anything about the film before seeing it. I'm not going to spoil too much for you, but we seem to have an adventure story which turns into a paranormal sci-fi thing. X-Files meets Indy Jones anyone? Slightly disappointing, but totally unexpected.

If I had to put all the films in the order I like 'em, I'd say Raiders, then Lost Crusade, Crystal Skull, then Temple of Doom the last in order, with CS and TOD being pretty close. Take it or leave it I guess. I don't imagine they'll be another one, but if there is, keep Lucas far away from it.

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