Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This a recent re-issue of the self-titled album from Lurker of Chalice, otherwise known as Wrest aka Leviathan, originally recorded in 2005 w/ 1 bonus track (Track 7).

It was rumored that the recent Leviathan album "Massive Conspiracy Against All Life" was going to be a Lurker of Chalice album at one point, but I think they are quite different projects and "Massive" sounds more like a Leviathan thing than LoC. Of course there's going to be obvious similarities in terms of some of the vocal work and the speedy black metal parts, but LoC has a more gothic, ambient feel to it that is even more twisted and depressing than Leviathan.

Much of the work on LoC is very slow and dingy, like "Minions", one of the best tracks on the album. The bass is much more present on LoC than Leviathan, there's more prominent use of synth used and some of the chant-like vocals that you will hear throughout the compositions, I've just never heard that kind of creepy delivery on a Leviathan album. Everything just feels a bit more doomy and experimental, lots of obscurely layered guitar work that makes for some really nice ambience as opposed to the riffomania of Leviathan albums. There's also a lot more samples, used to cool effect. This is simply a very different beast than Leviathan and I think I enjoy this more than I do most Leviathan albums. Wrest is a force to be reckoned with in the black metal scene and the metal scene in general. Everything he does is new and fresh, not to mention, some of the darkest music ever put to tape.

This album has something to offer for all fans of extreme metal and experimental music in general, so give it a try, I think you won't be disappointed, but YOU WILL BE scared.

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