Wednesday, February 13, 2008

6-Pack in a vending machine

Only in Japan could you find something like this. I thought I saw everything the first time I saw used schoolgirl underwear sold in a vending machine in Nipponbashi. The funniest part is about the 6-pack o' beer is, there's a 24-hour convenience store that also sells alcohol which is only about 15 metres away. I'd just like to buy a 6 pack from a vending machine just to hear what kind of resounding "thud" it would make when it comes out. "kerplunk"! Let's get drunk! This vending machine kicks ass and is for real lowlife drunks only.


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    it's not even REAL beer!

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    They sell sixpacks and hard liquor in vending machines in Beligum !
