So here's an extra BIG BIG "FUCK YOU!!!" with sugar on top to the following people. You are the worst pieces of human scum there is, the existence of your pitiful life on this earth is not needed and I hope you all hang by your genitals and die a slow agonizing death while I watch and laugh unbcontrollably. You are:
1. Drivers who cannot wait 3 seconds for me to cross the street, even though the signal clearly indicates GO, so you drive about 3 millimeters from me and sometimes even run into me, then have the gall to honk on your horn at me. I do not give a fuck about your "important" meeting or golf game. This especially goes out to you fucking CAB Drivers, you ALL SUCK BALLS!!! Fuck you a million times!!!
2. People who wear headphones while you ride a bicycle or walk (this may be banned soon, but people will still do it anyway)
3. People who drive and talk on your cellular phones at the same time. This includes bikes. This is also being banned soon, but who's gonna follow this law? Who's gonna enforce it? You and I are going to enforce it, goddamnit! Every time you see a person on a bicycle talking on their cellphone, you should get as close as you can to that person and let out the loudest shriek possible, preferably directly in the person' ear, so that he is scared shitless and hopefully crashes his bike and dies. I've tested this a few times and it actually works quite well. I gave one guy a heart attack I think, another person I once sent crashing into a group of old ladies who were furious at the guy. I actually tried to grab a guy's cellphone while he was talking so I could smash it on the ground, but he was too quick.
4. People who butt in front of me when I'm in line waiting for the train
5. People who butt in front of me waiting in line at convenience stores, etc. This especially applies to you OLD FUCKING LADIES!
6. people who fail to look left and right after you RUN out of a building onto the street. Secondly, don't run, casually walk and look both ways, if the coast is clear, sure, go ahead and run.
7. people who run in crowded streets or crowded places
8. people who stand in front of convenience stores (or any store) entrances, therefore blocking the entrance. (I will hit you if you don't move)
9. people who talk loud while riding public transportation
10. women who sit in restaurants, public transportation and other public places putting on their make-up. Do you know how stupid you are? Go to the fucking restroom, nobody wants to see your ugly face and no one wants to smell your shitty cosmetics that were probably tested on animals.
11. people who fail to look out the window of a vehicle before opening the door, thus causing a cyclist or pedestrian to sustain major injuries. My wife experienced this and had extreme back, shoulder and neck pain which required her to visit a chiropractor and massage therapist every week for almost a year, plus numerous hospital visits (all because one person failed to take 2 seconds to look before she opened the door of her truck)
12. people who fail to flush the toilet in public places, so the next person has to deal with your little brown stinky surprise.
13. people who leave your trays and other shit behind at fast food restaurants, cafés, etc.
14. people who stand on sidewalks talking on their phones or whatever blocking human traffic
15. people with pets who don't clean up their shit so that I conveniently step into it
16. people who spit out your chewing gum anywhere else but the garbage bin, so that I can get it stuck to my shoe or my clothing
17. People who stand on the wrong side of escalator when it clearly indicates stand left, walk right. If you go back a few months in the archives, I posted something about a stupid new law that Japan is proposing about people not being able to walk AT ALL on escalators. How stupid is that? All this because a few people complained of being run into when in fact, THEY were in the wrong.
18. people who throw your bikes on top of mine, so that I have to spend 10 minutes fishing it out of a huge messy pile.
19. people who smoke in non-smoking sections when it clearly says NO SMOKING
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