Tuesday, January 15, 2008

JAPAN: The air conditioned nightmare

I'd like to address something that I think needs addressing and that I believe I ranted about a long time ago, perhaps last winter. That is, about the excessive amount of air conditioning in Japan.

I live in Kansai, and it seems to be the worst here, although everywhere i go, it's a fucking air conditioned nightmare. I can't take public transportation without sweating my balls off. I can't go inside a store, mall, or an other public place without the heat being blasted so high that I have to remove half my clothing to feel even remotely comfortable. Even in open outside ares like train platforms, the heat's blasted to make people feel more "comfortable".

First of all, it's not really that cold. You want to experience real cold, go to Russia, or Canada in the dead of January. Second, people are already dressed for the weather. Actually, people are wearing winter clothing as early as September or October, when the temperature is still sweltering hot and humid in most places in this country. Third, it's a big fucking waste of money. Japan prides itself recently on "Warm Biz" which is supposed to be get people to be more environmentally conscious and wear an extra later or 2 rather than using heat. What the fuck is the point? None.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I have too much fat and I sweat too easily. But it seems to me that people care more about showing off their latest winter fashions than being comfortable anyway, so I'm wasting my breath.

Some days I get so furious that I feel like stripping off all my duds right on a crowded train and fanning myself with a sensu (Japanese folding fan) just to prove a point. But my point would be completely ignored, because even if I WAS naked, people would turn a blind eye to it. People are fucking pussies in this country and they don't want anyone invading their comfortable little world for fear that they might have to get involved. To prove this point, I recently watched one of those public sex porn videos featuring Ran Monbu, who's pretty famous. Anyway, their are basically 4 parts to the movie. Part 1 takes place in a convenience store. Ran Monbu is filmed pissing into an empty cup ramen bowl, then she sucks a guy's dick until he blows his load, all the while people are just walking around like nothing is happening.

The next scene is in a public phone booth, and actually a few guys stop and watch for a few seconds, but quickly move on. The last (and best) scene is on a crowded train. Ran Monbu plays with herself with a vibrator, then starts kissing another girl and feeling he tits for a few minutes, then if that's not enough, she starts sucking a guy off, then the guy is doin' er doggy style until he finally drops a big one all over her face. ON A CROWDED TRAIN!!!!! With little to NO reaction from anyone. There's people literally inches away reading the paper and shit. How many other countries could this happen but Japan?

Anyway, I digress from my original rant. The excessive air conditioning is not necessary, in my opinion. I feel strongly enough about it to actually petition, but my efforts would probably be in vain.

After enduring roughly 8 months of warm weather (4 or 5 months of which is intolerably hot and sticky), I look forward to the fall and the winter, and YES, I look forward to the COLD! but everywhere you go in Japan, they gotta make it feel like summer all year round.

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