Tuesday, March 27, 2007

BOREDOMS Super Roots 9

My review of the much anticipated new Boredoms release will probably not settle with a lot of people, but I don't really give a shit. In short it's better than "Seadrum/House of Sun", but not much. There just isn't a whole lot to chew on here, it just seems like a drum practice with EYE fucking around over top of it, it doesn't really go in many interesting directions.

There's a lot of people who fucking worship this band, no matter what they do, and I don't understand why. The Boredoms used to FUCKING ROCK, but they seem to have lost their burn, with their peak being Super AE. I remember seeing them in June 1999 in Vancouver and that show was unforgettable. Let's hope some of the old shows will get a proper release someday

First of all. Great artwork. Packaging is nothing special though, like liquid filled puffy cases or deluxe screen printed jewel cases with cool inserts. The booklet is just loose inside an oversize jewel box, so the booklet slides around, which is kind of gay. Don't quite understand the reason for this. it just looks like a big mistake.

Anyway, this was recorded on Christmas Eve live at Roppongi in Tokyo. Opens up with Christmas bells, then goes into a keyboard drone that sounds like a chorus from a Christmas carol with more layered Christmas bells and cymbals washing over it. This builds for about 4 or 5 minutes with the kick drums coming in gradually faster and faster. Around the 6 minute mark, the drums really start to kick in, building to a nice tempo, very reminiscent of "Shine In Shine On" from Super AE. The drumming is awesome, but I don't know, the Boredoms just ain't the Boredoms without the presence of Seichi Yamamoto's guitar, I guess that's why they changed their name to Voordoms. Duh!!! Anyway, the keyboards are pretty cheesy and they actually get on my nerves after awhile.

After around the 13-minute mark, the tempo changes and EYE starts screaming a bunch of shit with a lot of echo on it. Things start getting a little more interesting from here on in, with EYE doing some DJ-ing over the drums. Note, I said a "little" more interesting, not that much. It slows down, it speeds up, pretty much keeping the same keyboard progression throughout. The last 10 minutes builds to a somewhat unsatisfying climax, kind of like when you're jerking off sometimes, and you don't shoot it very far, it just sort of dribbles out or just hits your belly button.

Final verdict: The new Boredoms is pretty BORING overall. Don't waste your money, go grab Super Roots 3, 5 or Super AE, or anything for that matter, pre-Super AE. Or better yet, if you want to hear some real heavy psych rock, grab Mainliner's "Mellow Out" or some early Fushitsusha, the 4 albums on the Tokuma label being my favorites.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I'm not surprised to hear any of this. Washed up 10 years ago is what I've felt. I didn't know Yamamoto Seiichi wasn't in the band anymore. Although all members of the band had interesting side projects at one time or another, Yamamoto easily has the most depth and consistency. There is always something interesting in his music and it really feels from the heart.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    That 1999 Vancouver show was truly a landmark. People still talk about it here. It's a drag when idols fall though. Some might say similar things about Zorn or anyone with a long career. They might get washed up. Don't be washed up!

  3. Well, I don't think Zorn is quite washed up yet. I think he's still got a few tricks up his sleeve. I mean, shit, the Moonchild/Astronome stuff is pretty awesome, can't wait to hear the new one with that same trio with a few added members, titled "Six Litanies for Heliogabalus". Pretty awesome fucking title.

    Anyway, yeah, I'm officially giving up on Boredoms/Voordoms, just ain't happening anymore. It really IS a shame when a band you've loved for years gets washed up. The only interesting EYE related release that's been out recently is the Hanatarash/Evil Moisture, but that was recorded 10 years ago or more. That's worth picking up. Check out my review.

  4. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Boredoms just do what they want. I don't think they are willing to play the same schizo-acid punk anymore, probably because they're getting older. Don't be mad at Boredoms, please. They're just doing what they've always been doing. Super AE is a glorious masterpiece, but can you think of anything that Boredoms, or any of it's members, have recorded that doesn't sound completely original?

    FYI: Yamamotor is on Seadrum, and Vision Creation.

    I love you. You are a beautiful human. Keep up the good work.

