Tuesday, February 20, 2007

County Medical Examiners - Olidous Operettas

Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I just picked this one up on an impulse more or less because of the package design and the note on the sticker from Jeff Walker of Carcass. I thought the "WARNING: Corpse-scented disc inside" was just a joke, but sure enough, I smelled the it and it smells like a fucking mortuary.

Anyway, The County Medical Examiners are a trio who claim to be actual working pathologists with medical degrees. One guy is 63 years old. They have never played live, so the whole story could be fake, but it's definitely an interesting gimmick. The band started as a Carcass tribute group, so they sound a lot like old-school Carcass. So much actually that I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference if no one told me. Some of the riffs even, are obviously lifted from Carcass songs, just mixed up a bit. But hey, don't let that turn you off. They'll be the first ones to admit it.

All 3 of the band members do vocals which is pretty cool, with a combination of low pitched gurgles and higher pitched rasps and screams. If you're into Carcass this CD is definitely worth checking out but any extreme metal fans in general will appreciate it.

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