OK, number 1, they're noisy. OK, I listen to noise when I choose to, but not when I don't want to. Number 2, they pollute the air, for example, The ARB states that a leaf blower creates 2.6 pounds of PM10 dust emissions per hour, they cause stress, they emit about the same amount of smog as 17 cars per hour, they DO NOT save time, they are not superior to raking leaves by hand or using a broom, this has been proved several times with obvious results.
Think of it as the same as dust. If you blow dust off your desk or whatever, it just redistributes the dust to another place, some of which will probably end up back on your computer anyway. Same with leaves, you're not getting rid of the leaves, you're merely redistributing them. And for what reason? So your corporate office has none of them "pesky" leaves around the entrance? I can't seem to ever remember when I was pissed off at the sight of leaves in front of a building. Seems to me that nature intended them to be there, so fucking leave them be.
If there's a dead dog in front of your building, do you think there should be a "dead dog blower" invented to quickly remove the problem? Or how about a "dead human blower" in case some old guy just drops dead in front of your office? It would take too much time and effort to alert the police about it, so why not just use the quick and easy way and just use a high powered blower to blast him to the other side of the street? Let the other office across worry about? Hmmmmm, then you might have "body blowing" contests and things may get out of hand. I think you get my point. These pissin things should be banned in my opinion. That goes for leaf vacuums as well. If you're too fucking lazy to use a rake or broom, then FUCK OFF to ya...
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