Well, my wife and I had our wedding ceremony almost 3 months ago and I still haven't posted any damn photos, so I figure I'd better put some up. These are just a few of the photos that the photographer took. She took around 1,000 shots, it took us the better part of forever to sort through them all and pick which ones we wanted to send to out parents, friends, etc...
Thanks to the photographer, Melia Sorenson, who did an absolutely fantastic job. There wasn't one bad shot out of the whole lot. She's got the sense for sure. I kew they would be good, but she easily exceeded my expectations.
All of my friends who are wondering why they haven't seen any photos yet, be patient. We're sending out some stuff to you soon...
Thanks again to everyone who attended. Enjoy the shots. If you want to see a larger view, click on the photo...
Note: I got a few emails saying that all the shots don't load. Probably something to do with space, this blog may not handle many images very well. I had the same problem, but I reloaded the page a few times and it worked...
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