Tuesday, October 24, 2006


OK, kids! It's high time to vent some frustrations, after I nearly got run over by a car, then 5 minutes later, a guy runs smack into me rushing out of building because he failed to look left and right as he exited the building. So I'd like to say a BIG "FUCK YOU!!!" to the following people. You are the worst pieces of human garbage there is, your existence is not needed and I hope you all die unspeakably horrible deaths. You are:

1. Drivers who cannot wait 3 seconds for me to cross the street, even though the signal clearly indicates GO, so you drive about 3 millimeters from me and sometimes even run into me, then have the gall to honk on your horn at me. I do not give a fuck about your "important" meeting or golf game.

2. People who wear headphones while you ride a bicycle or walk

3. People who drive and talk on your cellular phones at the same time. This includes bikes.

4. People who butt in front of me when I'm in line waiting for the train

5. People who butt in front of me waiting in line at convenience stores, etc.

6. people who fail to look left and right after you run out of a building onto the street

7. people who run in crowded streets or crowded places

8. people who stand in front of convenience stores (or any store) entrances, therefore blocking the entrance

9. people who talk loud while riding public transportation

10. women who sit in restaurants, public transportation and other public places putting on their make-up

11. people who fail to look out the window of a vehicle before opening the door

12. people who fail to flush the toilet in public places, so the next person has to deal with your little surprise

13. people who leave your trays and other shit behind at fast food restaurants, cafés, etc.

14. people who stand on sidewalks blocking human traffic

15. people with pets who don't clean up their shit so that I conveniently step into it

16. people who spit out your chewing gum anywhere else but the garbage bin, so that I can get it stuck to my shoe or my clothing

17. People who stand on the wrong side of escalator when it clearly indicates stand left, walk right

18. people who throw your bikes on top of mine, so that I have to spend 10 minutes fishing it out of a huge messy pile

That's about all I can think of for now, if I think of more I'll add them to the list. Meanwhile, to all the people mentioned above: SUFFER!


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    i'll second every one of your "fuck yous" with a good ole rural canadian "fuckin' fuck, you sons of whores!" to all who make that list.

  2. Anonymous12:44 AM

    The bit about the butting in line happens to me all the time in Tokyo, too. It's usually old ladies who think you won't notice that they're butting because you're a foreigner and probably can't understand their sneakiness. They start by creeping up ever so slowly beside you ( you can feel their treachery in action ) and then just look the other way like they don't notice you as they burn you. the best part, though, is when the person at the counter or register or whatever sees it happening and then when it's the old lady's turn they invite you back in front of the old lady thus foiling her plan. All that sneakiness and stress never got them anywhere. i wonder if they pull that shit with other Japanese.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Yeah treachery and sneakiness is bad form, but I must say, I fucking love it when hot girls put on make up in public. It's a glimpse into something there. A facet. Of their life. That you aren't supposed to know about. But there they are. Laying it out for all to see. Why though?

  4. the make-up thing is NOT attractive to me. It can wait until the next pisser break. Me jerking off on the train is the same thing as putting make-up on the train. Somthing you SHOULDN'T DO in public. Fuckin'nuff said!
