Friday, April 07, 2006

Walk The Line

Hollywood misses the mark once again on this embarrassing watered down sub-standard documentary about country legend Johnny Cash. This is one of the worst scripts in Hollywood history and it sure doesn't paint a very genuine picture of June and Johnny. The movie covers so little of his life and seems to focus on only the negative aspects, like his alcoholism and drug addiction and we get next to nothing about his history before he started his recording career.

Joaquin Phoenix is absolutely terrible who has NO redeeming qualities about him. Somehow he manages to suck all the engaging essence and charisma out of Johnny and what we are left with is quite a morbid portrayal of his life. The only good thing about this movie is Reese Witherspoon's imitation of June Carter, which at times is almost spot-on. I usually hate her, but it seems she actually tried to act this time around.

This movie is a huge disservice to the Man in Black. Johnny is most definitely rolling over in his grave. This movie is obviously a poor attempt to cash in on the memories of two legendary performers who are still in the minds of the people who really care. Hollywood DOES NOT care about anything except making MONEY.

After I watched this film, I had to listen to a Johnny Cash CD just to wipe my memory clean of ever having seen this film. I can't believe how many glowing reviews of this movie I have read, people praising it up and down. Man, people have become so conditioned that I don't think they know what's good and what's not good, they just let the media dictate their choices.

I think this may be the last time I ever watch a new film that Hollywood produces. Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I agree. i saw this movie on the plane back from Australia. I heard so many good reviews but it was actually the worst movie I've seen lately, next to War of the Worlds.

    I thought Reese Witherspoon was the best thing about this movie.

    I felt so sad after seeing this movie; the complete opposite of how I feel listening to Johnny Cash's music.
