Here's just a few bizarre but funny products from Japan.
"Touch Dic" (not what you think it is) is from Korea, which is a dictionary and calculator application coming out for the Nintendo DS. You can be pretty sure that if ever hits the west, aa name change will be in order. As another interesting sidenote, there was also a hardware/home centre chain in Japan called "DIC" which recently changed their name, I'm guessing because someone figured out the implications. What a bunch of Dics, eh?
Next we have "GOD" coffee. I've never tried it before, but I'm guessing It must be pretty fucking good coffee to have god-like status. What's next, Belial Popcorn? The Virgin Mary Beer?
Anyway, we have another coffee product called "Creap" which is "creamy" and "powder" morphed together to make one word. I actually like powdered coffee whitener better than real cream for some reason. But I don't actually drink coffee very often anyhow. Once a week maybe. Does that make me a Creap?
Next is "Cream Collon" which is not the most appealing name for a snack that I've ever heard. I realize, YES, COLON is spelled with only one "L" but you'd think whoever came up with the name would do a bit of research before naming a snack after an ass tract. I've eaten this before and it's pretty good, you just have to put the name out of your mind.
Finally, we've got a dried apricot snack from Taiwan called "Sockof Family" which probably wouldn't appeal to many westerners either. The subtext is pretty bizarre too. "Exquisite embodiment of elegant life". What the fuck does that mean? Anyway, I can only guess how those apricots were dried. They could've easily called it "Suckof Family" which would create even more implications.
Anyway, that's it for now. More later. If you have any bizarre or funny English to share, by all means, post it...
"What's next, Belial Popcorn? The Virgin Mary Beer?"
There's a Bloody Mary joke hiding in there somewhere.
Geez, I walked right into that one, didn't I? OK, how about "Jesus, Soup of Man's Desiring"?
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