Monday, December 26, 2005

New Brunswick Slang: Lesson 2

OK. First short lesson that I mentioned I would explain, the famous East Coast expression "Put 'er there!" It simply means "Congratulations". Note that the the feeling is more important than the actual words. " 'er" refers to her, and sometime "her" is commonly used in place of "it" as a pronoun in East Coast slang. Roughly speaking, when someone says "Put 'er there!" you should give them the high-five (or low-five), then they return the favour) It will probably make more sense if I just give you an example.

EX.1: Speaker A: Hey Bob!!! I got LAID last night! Speaker B: (with surprised look on face) Alright!!! Put 'er there!!!!
After that, speaker A gives Speaker B the high-five. If they're at a party, they might both clang each other's beer cans together, then belch satisfyingly afterwards.

Now, as a sidenote, I would just like to explain what I mentioned before about the East Coast use of "she" as a substitute" for the pronoun "it".

EX.1: She's pretty hot today innit? (Translates into "It's pretty hot today isn't it?")
EX.2: She's a mighty long haul to Vancouver from Toronto innit?) ? (Translates into "It's very far to drive from Toronto to Vancouver, isn't it?")

My last little tidbit of slang for this lesson is "tater", which is what the locals, especially farmers call, potatoes.

EX.1: The taters don't look too shit-hot this year eh wha?
(Translates into "The potatoes don't look very healthy this year, do they?")

Anyway, that's it for NB slang today. So next time you go to a restaurant in NB, ask the waiter or waitress, "Got Taters?"

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Photo page update

I just added 50 new pics to the photo page, so have a look when you have a minute. Hope everyone had a good Christmas. I know I did. I actually had a real turkey last night for the first time in about 6 or 7 years. Turkey's a hard thing to come by in Japan, not so popular here, and it's pretty expensive. In Japan, Christmas is bascially a commercial holiday and Christmas Eve is "shaggin" night. It's true that many babies are born around October and conceived around Christmas time. People reserve Love Hotels and shag their brains out on Christmas Eve. What does it have to do with with the little baby Jesus being born? Nothing at all.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


Hey bucketheads, have a good Christmas and New Year! Drink, shag and be merry! Wear protection when stuffing that turkey. FDA, Mitchell Claus

Thursday, December 22, 2005

New Brunswick Slang: Lesson 1

Yes, I am sometimes embarrassed to admit it, but I actually WAS born in that province of Canada, considered by many to be the "asshole of the earth" (or the asshole of Canada anyway), kind of a portal into some other twisted dimension. Anyway, this is my first, of many to come, NB slang lessons:

Jeslus (sometimes spelled "Jeezluz" and sometimes variations on the word can be found, like "jeezly") - (adj.)
It's used in a similiar fashion as "fucking" or "goddamn" to emphasize a noun, more often than not, when the person is angry at something, or if you run out of something that you need.

EX.1: There's no jeezluz milk in the darn fridge (meaning: "we're out of milk and so we should buy some")
EX.2: What happened to the jeezluz thing? (meaning: "what's wrong with it?" "Why doesn't it work?")
EX.3: That jeezly thing never works!!! (here "jeezly" is just simply used as an emphasizer, similiar to "goddamn")

That's it for this lesson, kids. Tune in next time for more NB slang. Follow my lessons and you'll be talkin' like a back woods Maritimer in no time at all. Remember not to wear your cap, just bend the peak and just set it on your head.

Put 'er there!
(I'll explain next lesson)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Some nice graffiti

This was submitted to me from Brother Ben. Pretty typical but funny graffiti that would see in Vancouver...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Rotten Man

Recently, my rotten counterpart from CCBE had an idea about a TV show starring me. The name of the show would be "ROTTEN MAN". Although I don't think HBO is quite ready for such depravity, it WOULD be a pretty rotten show. This is kind of what he was thinking as a basic outline below:


I was thinking that a main part of the show is that the audience doesn't know why Rotten Man behaves the way he does, there doesn't seem to be any explanation as to the source of his "problem". We could meet his parents and find them to be lovely, kind, friendly people who gave Rotten Man a good, privileged childhood. So it's not his parents. (of course there will have to be scenes where Rotten Man tries to mount his mother or father or both and they're like, "Oh Jeffrey (or whatever his real name winds up being) you know that's not polite".)

Why though? Why is he like that?! The answer is that no one knows and that's one of the things that drives the plot forward. It's a mystery.

Another mystery is that we don't know why all his friends, family (maybe he's even married with kids) and his coworkers including his employers put up with this shit. It's really beyond ridiculous what he gets away with. So that's another thing that we're all dying to find out. The reason would come out in the season finale or final episode or something.

All of these plot tricks used to lure in the audience are classic hollywood or big network TV gimmicks to get viewers hooked and I say we do all the formulaic things that they do except that there is unspeakable obscenity and vulgarity in this show. Beyond fucking beyond man. Like nothing needs to be held back. He munches on vermin regularly.

So as for other specific ideas:

He's sitting at his desk eating something like meat on a bone of some kind and his coworker's are all watching him. It's quite weird to be eating such a thing at your desk. He's tapping away at his computer and munching on this meat and someone asks him what it is and he's like "baby" and they're like "what?, you're eating baby?" and he replies, "yeah it's just a baby's arm" as he waves it around a bit, gristle and grease flying off it, and we never actually know if he's kidding because after he says that it becomes apparent that this meat indeed kind of resembles the arm of a baby but we're not sure.

He imitates Alex with the old "in out, in out" bit all the time! Often he does this at totally inappropriate moments or even when there's no one around and maybe he's just talking to his stapler.

He often threatens inanimate objects like the wall or an elevator button.

He shows up to work still drunk even though he slept through the night. His coworkers are talking to him and then, confused, they say, "Are you drunk Jeff?" and he just fucking freaks out to the point where he pukes an ocean all over some girl's hair and then apologizes to her by massaging the vomit into her head. Maybe he begins to cry.

His iChat or AIM icon is his own shit in the toilet. This doesn't need to be a major thing, just a small detail that is shown at some point when someone receives an instant message from him and this greasy turd appears for an icon on their computer screen. The icon could also be picture of a twat with a trout sticking out of it. Maybe he changes the icon later to the trout. Like 5 episodes later a similar scene happens, but the icon is different.

He farts often and groans with satisfaction afterwards. Or he could groan a lot more than was necessary and just slowly begin to freak out screaming "what a fucking ripper that was!!!! Holy shit that stinks!! Just fucking ROTTEN! eh Julie? What the fuck eh? Jezus Shit that fuckin REAKS! Just a fuckin WIND eh Julie? Holy shit! Fuck!" (then does some blast beats)

Sometimes he doesn't freak out all the time, he'll be calm in a meeting acting pretty normal, but then he'll just start breathing through his nose kind of hard and annoying-like. Perhaps it's not even intentionally to be an asshole, he's just naturally annoying. So he'll be making some small mouth noises maybe. He could stretch and there's like huge pit stains on his shirt from his sweating problem. Little things like that really bother the others.

A scene where he's listening to his boss tell him about something really important for work. They're standing in the meeting room after a meeting and his boss is like "Jeff, I need that report by tomorrow. Can you handle that?" and Rotten Man is like "Of course Frank, it shouldn't be a problem except there's one small matter I need to go over" and then as his boss is going "oh yeah what is it?" Rotten Man fuckin screeches his nails on the blackboard that they're standing near. Just fuckin reefs on the board and everyone around there is like AUGHHHGHGHGH Fuck! Rotten Man you asshole! And then he just fuckin starts to act like a fuckin hyena and kicks his boss in the shins super hard.

An alternative to that scene is that when his boss is telling him about needing the reports, Rotten Man is like "uh huh, uh huh" all attentive, but then he just nonchalantly leans over to screech his nails on the board as if it's a totally normal thing to do.

Another idea for an episode (and this is maybe pushing things into a weird place) is that one day he's totally normal, never acts out, but everyone around him does. Like they do all the things that he normally does and he just ignores it the same way they do when he acts that way. This would kind of be a wild card episode since there would be no explanation as to why this is, but I think that TV audiences are OK with that kind of thing. TV has gotten pretty fucked up in the last few years. Check out "Arrested Development", "The Family Guy" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Those shows are either really weird and eccentric plot-wise or they just have vulgar humour.


Another idea for a small scene:

It's first thing in the morning at Greck Marketing Corp. Julie and Mary are talking about last night's episode of "Friends" by the copy machine. In walks ROTTEN MAN, about 1 hour late, reeking of booze and cigarettes, and walks towards them and stops, glaring at them with a glazed look in his eyes. "DIDJA GET ANY LAST NIGHT!!!!!" says ROTTEN MAN in a loud drunken voice, then starts doing blast beats on the photocopier, then walks off muttering something unintelligible, letting a huge long fart. Julie and Mary just start giggling to each other. Rotten Man then sits down at his desk, looks at how full his in-box is and Screams "FUCKING DANDY. RRRRRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!" then turns on his computer. He looks at the in-box again, then looks up and notices that John is coming towards him. Rotten Man stands up and runs towards him and punches John right in the nuts. John kneels over in agony, ROTTEN MAN starts making farting sounds by putting his mouth on his right upper arm, the John says in a half-dying voice: M-morning ROTTEN MAN. Got those market reports?


Anyway, if anyone has any more ideas for a script, send em in.

Flux News

I just added another movie to the movie section today, so have a peep. There's lots of cats in it.

Monday, December 19, 2005


I recently met a fucking cool grindcore band, MORTALIZED, really nice guys. They played on a bill with 20 other bands this past weekend at a club in Shinsaibashi. Anyway, their singer is quitting in March, so I may possibly be joining them as the new screamer. Not 100% sure yet. I'm going to start rehearsals with them next month and see how it goes. Thanks to Chu from Corrupted for letting me into the show for free, even after I paid. All in all, it ws a grind freak's dream on Sunday. 20 bands in about 4 hours. Pretty exhausting. Discovered some really cool new acts though, namely Zagio Evha. The frontman is fucking insane! One of the most energetic, intense performances I've ever seen. Bastarbation was also great. Really tight. Corrupted played a surprisingly short se, but still awesome. Fortitude was also a good set. There was also a performance by this solo noise guy who just went apeshit for about 10 minutes, but I don't remember what his stage name was. He was definitely a standout. Put it this way, he gave Masonna a run for his money.

Anyhow, really looking forward to jamming with the guys in Mortalized.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A message for everyone!!!!!

The official mascot for Cream Corn Barf Extravaganza...

Welcome to the new site!

Welcome to the site and the new blog I set up. My hope is that this will eventually turn into a small online community of designers, musicians, underground artists, etc. If you want more of an idea of what I'm into, check out my site at Feel free to rant about anything you want on this blog, but my main interests are design, music, cinema, underground culture, photography, writing, free thinking, porn, booze, etc etc etc...
So go ahead and post...