Monday, December 26, 2005

New Brunswick Slang: Lesson 2

OK. First short lesson that I mentioned I would explain, the famous East Coast expression "Put 'er there!" It simply means "Congratulations". Note that the the feeling is more important than the actual words. " 'er" refers to her, and sometime "her" is commonly used in place of "it" as a pronoun in East Coast slang. Roughly speaking, when someone says "Put 'er there!" you should give them the high-five (or low-five), then they return the favour) It will probably make more sense if I just give you an example.

EX.1: Speaker A: Hey Bob!!! I got LAID last night! Speaker B: (with surprised look on face) Alright!!! Put 'er there!!!!
After that, speaker A gives Speaker B the high-five. If they're at a party, they might both clang each other's beer cans together, then belch satisfyingly afterwards.

Now, as a sidenote, I would just like to explain what I mentioned before about the East Coast use of "she" as a substitute" for the pronoun "it".

EX.1: She's pretty hot today innit? (Translates into "It's pretty hot today isn't it?")
EX.2: She's a mighty long haul to Vancouver from Toronto innit?) ? (Translates into "It's very far to drive from Toronto to Vancouver, isn't it?")

My last little tidbit of slang for this lesson is "tater", which is what the locals, especially farmers call, potatoes.

EX.1: The taters don't look too shit-hot this year eh wha?
(Translates into "The potatoes don't look very healthy this year, do they?")

Anyway, that's it for NB slang today. So next time you go to a restaurant in NB, ask the waiter or waitress, "Got Taters?"

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