The fucked up thing about Japanese porn is THE CENSOR - it’s illegal to show bush or cock without that damn blurry mosaic. Japanese officials even go to great lengths sorting through foreign imported porn with a black felt pen to make sure no foreign penises make into the Japanese market either. The censor was introduced during the Meiji Era to “protect public morals”, but when WWII was over, it was one of the few laws the Americans decided to keep.
On the other hand, it's totally OK to show someone's anus. Judging from some Japanese films I've seen, it's also totally OK to show extreme gore and violence too. You just can't see some guy's John Thomas or a woman's forest. Pretty stupid, right? Oh, this is just the beginning...

The fist kind I'm going to explain is the "Lolita" or sometimes called "Lolicon" and Junior Idol. There's a slew of these type of books that come out on a weekly basis, usually around 30 bucks a pop. (no pun intended) Softcore child porn was actually legal in Japan until as recently as 1999, when international pressure forced Japan to take action.
Their action?Instead of softcore child porn, the market redirected it’s attention to junior idol photobooks and DVDs. While most junior idols are around the 11-16 age, some such as Nanami or and the recently popular Irie Saaya have started off their modelling career as young as 6. The DVDs and photobooks showcase the young models in a variety of uniforms and swimsuits, some mostly harmless but others can get some pretty racey, but never nude.

Perhaps it can be argued that the existence of junior idol video material etc. satisfies some people's desires, rather than forcing themselves on real children. Hmmmm, when I think about that really hard, I don't agree. Hentai manga, for example, is commonly read by your average dude on the subway, and raping small girls is a common theme in these comics. Japan has one of the highest child abuse rates in the world, and I think Manga is partly responsible for this. It's really hard to pinpoint one thing that makes Japan such a fucked up culture, but I think the wrong message is Definitely being sent out.

Now HERE's where I draw the line. SCAT VIDEOS. If you don't know what SCAT is, weeeellll, probably you don't want to know and you should skip this paragraph. These are videos in which people perform many different bodily functions on each other, like pissing, shitting, you name it. Then sometimes they chow down on the resulting excrement like it's a birthday BBQ. Again, these videos are right alongside normal porn. I've been to some used CD & DVD shops in Nipponbashi and sometimes they have fliers advertising the shit videos, which any kid could easily come in and pick up. As another interesting sidenote, most "used" shops have normal videos or CD's on display outside the shop, then you go in and there's a very small section of normal family movies, the rest is porn.