Friday, April 13, 2007

Tim Berne Mind Over Friction

In case you missed the originals, Tim Berne has re-issued the classic Science Friction studio and live album (originally released as "The Sublime And" in one nice package beautifully designed by Steve Byram on the Screwgun label.

This is one of my favorite projects from Tim Berne, the live stuff especially kicks ass. I think the standout track is "The shell Game" with some awesome slinky guitar playing, courtesy of Marc Ducret. Tom Rainey holds everything together as usual, in fine style. Anyhow, Don't pass it up a second time. For newbies to Tim Berne, this is as good a place to start as any.

Can't wait to hear the new torn+berne+rainey+taborn on ECM.


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    About fucking time you put some more cats on this thing. That's a nice fuckin' kitty. Too bad he's not saying, "Why must you torment me with your rampant mewling? Can you not see I teeter on the edge of eviscerating your innards? Peasant."

    What's with the new photo of you? Are you a slope now?

  2. mitch, thanks for the shoutout.

    real good work on your site.

    steve byram

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow. It's really nice to hear praise from someone who's been a big influence on my work. I guess I must be doing something right. Thanks for the comment, Steve. Cheers...

    By the way, I clicked on your name to check out your blog, but I guess it's privacy protected...
