Thursday, August 10, 2006

Some more dumb cat desktops

If you search back to the April Archives of my blog, you can find a post titled " Stupid Animal Desktops for Kelly Churko (and anyone else who finds them amusing)". Well, you see that fat cat staring into space? This is the same one above. This cat lives around Karafuri Street here in Osaka where I buy my groceries and drugs and shit.

Whenever I see that cat, it makes me laugh. He's lost a bit of weight since last time, but he's still fat! I pet him once and he was all over me, meowing like a motherfucker, rolling around. He'll walk about 1 foot, then fall down cause he's too lazy to walk, then roll around some more. I have take a video next time.

I should start making greeting cards of this shit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    you could word the upper one even better. Think back to your metal collection (and the Iannis, Karlheinz, Anne-Sophie love triangle) for inspiration
