Monday, July 10, 2006

Portfolio update & some news

There's a couple new pieces I added to the portfolio section, so have a look. Everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to do some more movies. Well, I don't really know, they take me so long to produce. I'd really like to start playing with after-effects or some other video programs soon and see what I can produce. My computer just doesn't have the juice.

I also want to add another photo page in the near future. I've been getting used to the new camera, the Coolpix S6. Although I'm not totally happy with it, it takes better pictures than the last camera I was using. I'd like to buy another camera with a fast shutter speed that is ideal for dark lighting and night shots. The Coolpix is not so great in that area.

Also, working on a new CD of electronic ambient stuff. I still haven't released "A forwarding notion...", it will be released at some point, I just don't know when. I have 3 new tracks almost completed, I'm going to hammer out some more stuff soon. I'm pretty happy with it so far, it feels good to be tinkering with music and sound after such a long break not doing much.

Also, I just copies of the current issue of LAYERS magazine with my submission in the gallery section. I'm quite disappointed because that magazine is not printed at a high enough resolution to hold very small details. The piece I submitted was shrunk down so much that you can't really see the detail, it looks all blurry. Anyway, it's better than a dagger to the kneecap I guess, hopefully I'll get a few hits to the site from it.

So stay tuned, there will be some new stuff on the site by summer's end. Just going away on holidays very soon and having a wedding ceremony in Canada, so I'll be getting back into design and music when I return. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    fracture of nature is great. I like the darks reds and blues.
